Tuesday, January 4, 2011

happy new year...and what is riya' and ujub

today is our fourth day in year 2011.....wow, time flies so fast...1 year older than last year...how's our iman?is it better than last year???
i'm glad that this year, i can start my new masihi year with a great event...i went to Himpunan 1000 jiwa 1 hati...alhamdulillah this event made me realize that there are many things that we should do and we should do because of Allah not because of popularity or anything else...it just because of Allah and our responsibility in making this world become a better world....

Dear friends,
there is something i like to share with all of you....do you know what is "riak" or in english i think it is "smug" or "showing off"?

As a muslim, we are not allowed in showing of of taking pride in everything we do...because everything we do is only for Allah and because of HIM we can do what we want...read here if you want to know more about showing off in islam..

and what is ujub?
ujub(self-conceit) is paying attention to any specific quality in oneself and instead of considering it a gift from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, to look upon it as a personal virtue..ujub can destroy our ibadah..
read here to know more about ujub

ujub and riya..both will make our ibadah meaningless..because we will not get "pahala"/reward by Allah....

O Allah , protect us against the sickness of self-conceit, of pride and all other deadly spiritual and physical sicknesses

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