Thursday, December 9, 2010

beautiful scenery

When you r stress....looking at a beautiful scenery does help in relaxing your mind...
wishing that u are there and enjoying the view.... is amazing right?how Allah create this beautiful... I hope i can enjoy these beautiful scenery soon with my beloved family or friends...

the Quran states: "And it is He who spread out the earth, and set thereon mountains standing firm and (flowing) rivers; and fruit of every kind He made in pairs, two and two; He draweth the night as a veil over the Day. Behold, verily in these things there are signs for those who consider." (13:3)

According to Islamic beliefs, the Earth is a sanctuary in which mankind was made to dwell in comfort. The vast oceans, forests and mountains that make up this bountiful planet have been subdued by God for our enjoyment and productive use.

The Prophet Muhammad told his followers they would be rewarded by God for taking care of the Earth. He said: "If any Muslim plants any plant and a human being or an animal eats of it, he will be rewarded as if he had given that much in charity." (Sahih Al-Bukhari, 8:41)

These three pictures are my favourite for it from, let us take a good care of our world........don't just destroy this world because our own greed.......

source :about islam

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